Corporate Governance
Revisionspartnerselskab Weidekampsgade 6
2300 Copenhagen
Incentive program
At the General Meeting 16 April 2021 Risk Intelligence decided to give the Board authorisation to issue up to in total 1,500,000 new warrants. Each warrant providing a subscription right for one share of DKK 0.10 against payment of a price to be determined as the volume weighted average price (VWAP) for a period of 10 trading days prior the time of allotment and deducted 15%, for a period of 5 years expiring on 31 December 2026.
The Board of Directors have on a board meeting on 23 February 2022 decided to grant 272.564 warrants for the year 2021 and on a board meeting on 22 February 2023 granted 296,172 warrants to employees under above programme for the year 2022. Further the board have on 1 November 2023 granted 234,845 warrants under above program as well. On board meeting 28 February 2024, the Board of Directors have granted 294,815 warrants under this program for the year 2023.
Risk Intelligence has issued warrants to Gemstone Capital ApS (“Gemstone”). The warrants give Gemstone the right to 76,691 shares (equivalent to 1 percent of the total number of shares in the Company after listing). Each warrant will provide the holder with the right to subscribe for one new share in the Company at a subscription rate of DKK 6.25. If fully vested the program will lead to a cash impact of DKK 479,319.
Articles of Association & minutes
Articles of Association
Articles of Association of Risk Intelligence A/S - 3 October 2023 | Download