A European Navy selects the Risk Intelligence System joining six other NATO navies
Image: US Naval Forces Europe
3 November 2020
Risk Intelligence A/S announces today that the company has signed an agreement to provide the Risk Intelligence System (MaRisk+PortRisk) to the navy of a further European NATO member.
The client operates a sizeable blue-water navy, commonly operating in West Africa, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Middle East. Like many military organisations they are looking to expand their understanding of the threats faced by merchant vessels and maritime operations, utilising the Risk Intelligence System to provide greater situational awareness in this area along with in-depth analysis of the threats.
Jim Pascoe, Chief Commercial Officer of Risk Intelligence, says:
“We’re really pleased to be selected to provide our Risk Intelligence System to another NATO member’s armed forces. It is testament to the quality of our intelligence analysis and the manner in which it is reported that we have become a trusted supplier to many NATO countries. Our new client will be joining six other NATO member navies along with a number of other military and security organisations in having access to our intelligence solution.”
The Risk Intelligence System
The Risk Intelligence System is a digital security intelligence solution developed in close collaboration with global businesses that are established within the fields of shipping, offshore, oil and gas. The digital platform is designed on the basis of insights directly from customers and their needs as well as Risk Intelligence’s experienced security risk analysts and developers’ knowledge of intelligence and assessment needs.
The Risk Intelligence System offers customers a complete picture of immediate, short- and medium-term security risks for coastal areas, ocean, port and landside threats. The analysis is focused on insurgency, piracy, organised crime, activism, terrorism, military conflicts and any interplay between these. Risk Intelligence identifies where serious events arise and presents an assessment of how great the threat is in each area. This enables companies to evaluate both current and future security risks in real time to minimise risks across their operations.
Risk Intelligence clients currently operate more than 14.7% of the global merchant fleet.
Licences provide strong recurring revenue
The license agreement provides access to the Risk Intelligence System (MaRisk+PortRisk) through a subscription, paid for twelve months at a time, in advance. Variables of the Risk Intelligence System license agreements are number of system users and standard reports included. The Risk Intelligence System license agreements create recurring revenue with a renewal rate of 98-99% (churn of 1-2%) and generates strong cash flow for the Company.
For more information on services and the System:
Please watch our corporate video: Knowing Risk
For further information about Risk Intelligence, please contact:
Hans Tino Hansen, CEO
Jens Krøis, CFO
Jim Pascoe, CCO
Telephone: +45 7026 6230
E-mail: investor@riskintelligence.eu