Risk Intelligence A/S signs a license agreement for the Risk Intelligence System with the NATO Shipping Centre
Image: NATO/Flickr CC
26 March 2021
Risk Intelligence announces today that the company has signed agreements with the NATO Shipping Centre, for the Risk Intelligence System and intelligence reports.
Based in Northwood, London, the NATO Shipping Centre is the official link between NATO and merchant shipping. It is permanently manned by NATO member states and provides incident and advisory reporting links between the military Allied Command – NATO MARCOM and the international merchant shipping community.
Jim Pascoe, Chief Commercial Officer of Risk Intelligence, says:
“We’ve been working with several NATO navies form many years now, with this agreement we are now working directly with the team responsible for coordinating the relationship between the military and merchant fleets. Not only will they have access to the Risk Intelligence System, but they will also receive specific intelligence reports on the eastern Mediterranean. It is really good to see organisations such as NATO Shipping Centre to accompany their own intelligence sources with those that the merchant fleet are using on a daily basis, allowing an enhanced level of shared situational awareness.”
The NATO Shipping Centre will be joining a growing number of navies and government organisations who appreciate the shared situational awareness, with merchant operators, provided by having access to the Risk Intelligence System (MaRisk+PortRisk). The System enables them to access secure reliable analysis of security threats and risks based on intelligence and in-depth assessments from Risk Intelligence, at the tip of their finger, wherever they are in the world.
The Risk Intelligence System
The Risk Intelligence System is a digital security intelligence solution developed in close collaboration with global businesses that are established within the fields of shipping, offshore, oil and gas. The digital solution is designed based on insights directly from customers and their needs as well as Risk Intelligence’s experienced security risk analysts and developers’ knowledge of intelligence and assessment needs.
The Risk Intelligence System offers customers a complete picture of immediate, short- and medium-term security risks for coastal areas, ocean, port and landside threats. The analysis is focused on insurgency, piracy, organised crime, activism, terrorism, military conflicts, and any interplay between these. Risk Intelligence identifies where serious events arise and presents an assessment of how great the threat is in each area. This enables companies to evaluate both current and future security risks in real time to minimise risks across their operations.
Risk Intelligence clients currently operate more than 15.4% of the global merchant fleet.
Licences provide strong recurring revenue
The license agreement provides access to the Risk Intelligence System (MaRisk+PortRisk) through a subscription, paid for twelve months at a time, in advance. Variables of the Risk Intelligence System license agreements are: number of modules, selection of additional layers, number of users, and any technical integration such as API. The Risk Intelligence System license agreements create recurring revenue with a renewal rate of 98-100% (churn of 0-2%) and generates strong cash flow for the Company. The lifetime value (LTV) of a Risk Intelligence System license is on average about 1M DKK.
For more information on services and the System:
Please watch our corporate video: Knowing Risk
For further information about Risk Intelligence, please contact:
Hans Tino Hansen, CEO
Jens Krøis, CFO
Jim Pascoe, CCO
Telephone: +45 7026 6230
E-mail: investor@riskintelligence.eu